Recognised By: Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India

Member: World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO)

WAKO Recog. By: International Olympic Committee (IOC)

MYAS Compliances

2. Date of last election held along with the details of the electoral college of the said election Click Here
3. Details of recognition of International (Copy of letter to be posted) Click Here
4. Name & contact details of office bearers Click Here
5. Annual Audited Accounts for last 3 financial years along balance sheet (As audited by C.A in CAG’s Panel) 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
6. Name and contact details of the firm which audited accounts Click Here
7. Copy of Valid registration certificate of the federation Click Here
8. Constitution of the organization/NSFs. Click Here
9. Affiliation criteria of State/UT/Clubs units along with details of voting rights of each unit Click Here
10. Name of the affiliated units with their registration numbers Click Here
11. Name and Contact details of President & Secretary of affiliated units Click Here
12. Details of National Championships conducted during the current calendar year Click Here
13. Calendar for National & Zonal championship to be held during current/next calendar year along with venue 2022-2023 2023-2024
14. (i)Details in respect of international events abroad & held in India
(ii)Details of coaching campus organized including venue. Dates and list of participants.
(i) Click Here (ii) Click Here (ii) Click Here (ii) Click Here
15. List of I cards issued to National Athletes with Name of Athlete, I card N. & validity date Click Here
16. The details of certificates issued by the NSFs to the participants such as the name of the athlete, date of event, position obtained by the athlete etc. 2021-Goa 2021-Pune 2022-Kolkata 2022-Chennai
17. Action taken by the NSF for prevention of age fraud Click Here
18. Notifying/updating the present selection Committee for national athletes Click Here
19. Note on efforts for having dope free sports and compliance to WADA/NADA Code along with details of cases found positive during the last calendar year and action taken thereon. Click Here
20. List of Sportspersons 25% Click Here